Thursday, September 20, 2012

Testing and Development on AWS

Testing and Development on AWS
Joe Ziegler: @jiyosub

Attended this Lunch & Learn session on 20/Sept/2012.
Slides are available here:
Similar 3hr workshop presentation here:

·         Session is about “development on AWS” (not for)
·         VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)
·         Create subnets/dns/routing tables
·         Create mirror of Prod topology (same IPs) for developers
·         Ipsec tunnel VPN connection

·         Cloud Formation
·         Json template
·         Reusable app stack
·         Declarative
·         Resources in dependency-driven order
·         Console support
·         Predefined templates
·         “cloudformer” – uses CF to create CF
·         Stateful, provision and remove

·         Everything is exposed via API – webconsole is built on public API (bit behind)
·         Ruby, .net, php, iOS, android, java, glacier, python (interactive, save as script)
·         Source control
·         Running source in AWS
·         Secure, accessible, scale vertically, durable, reusable
·         Bitbucket: AWS, Australia, Python
·         S3: 99.999999999% (11 9s) availability
·         Self-managed   
·         Self-installed EC2 instance, use community AMIs, AWS Marketplace
·         Asdf
·         Adsf
·         Dev env via CloudFormation
·         VPC – mirror your network topologies
·         Template related resources
·         Integration with CM tools
·         Provide CF templates internally to developrs
·         RDS example
·         VPC example
·         Replicating Prod envs in dev
·         Why
·         Accurate perf testing
·         Empower devs to experiment
·         Prod debugging
·         Improved code quality
·         How
·         Adopt infrastructure as code strategy – prod is automated/repeatable/src control/test
·         Leverage AWS APIs – automatically provision
·         Utilise RDS and point in time snapshots
·         Devs can grab prod snapshot of RDS
·         TBs own hosted data?
·         Create snapshot in S3 and do periodical updates
·         Storage gateway – iSCSI on site, Disaster Recovery, pilot light, failover
·         Test
·         Unit, Smoke, UAT, Integration, Load/Perf, Blue/Green (A/B)
·         Test quadrant
·         Testing in the Cloud priorities:
·         Perf
·         Functional – env matches prod closely
·         Integration – temlating/mocking
·         Unit - VDI sucks for dev – latency
·         Approach
·         Template everything, snapshot image of AMI
·         AMI/CF template matching production
·         Leverage CI server pipeline
·         Automate/repeatable using AWS APIs, source control
·         Load & Perf test
·         Bees with machine guns
·         Bees master, fabric, loads 10 instances (bees)
·         Singapore isntances attacks Japan instances
·         1000 instances for 1hr $= 1 instance for 1000 hrs
·         Blue/Green Testing
·         App ->> blue / green autoscaling group  <<- CloudWatch
·         Auto Scale up/down parts of game being used
·         UAT
·         Quick deployments
·         Secure isolated environment
·         Utilise AWS elastic beanstalk
·         Benefit from elasticity
·         Agile Theory: Continuous Development, Intg & Deployment
·         Optimise for rapid response to change, High tech discipline, Ruthless automation
·         Template everything, repeatable without human
·         Pinterest 12 $1.5bil
·         Concepts: CI, Infra as Dode, CD
·         CI
·         Devs can only integrate with VCS – no way of getting into prod
·         Create a brand new staging env
·         Create full copy of prod env, incl load balancers, route53, point to new prod env, take down old prod env
·         Creating entire prod env (AMIs) every time, completely tested/automated
·         OS tweaker is one of the devs
·         No ops/devops team
·         Roll out code based on customer’s needs
·         Infra as code
·         “Programmatic provisioning by API” – whatever language
·         Toolbox: AMI, puppet/chef, CF, libraries/SDKs
·         Puppet
·         1. Declare config
·         2. Apply config
·         3. (time passes)
·         4. Verify config
·         5. Re-apply config
·         6. If needed
·         Goal: manual -> scripted -> programmatic: Increase Speed/Repeatability/Reliability, Decrese:Risk
·         Testing approach:
·         CI creates AMI
·         Puppet in bucket
·         Put state in SimpleDB, others can query state of machines
·         <Activities>
·         Bootstrapping
·         CI every night creates new AMI image baseline
·         When new image wakes up, gets puppet script from bucket, runs, applies config delta
·         Config
·         Launch
·         CD
·         Prereqs
·         Confidence à codebase
·         Confidence à environment
·         Small batch sizes
·         Ruthless automation
·         Create whole new version of env if it passes through pipeline
·         <CI Pipeline image from CD book>
·         Jenkins
·         Polling infrastructure
·         Polling unit tests
·         Autoscales executors
·         Jenkins EC2 plugin, AMI key, installs agent, Jenkins algorithm scales
·         Promotions, S3 building block
·         Promoted builds plugin
·         Flicker, blog
·         Next steps: Account Mgr, Solution Architects, Webinars and Pod Casts, SlideShare (“Agile in the clourd” 3hr workshop)

Autoscaling of 1 – make sure one is always up
Autoscaling of 2 – 1 in each AZ
Asgard from Netflix
Resource Centre:
Free training coming up – 2day hands-on lab training