Monday, September 10, 2012

7 Databases - Riak - Setting Up Cluster on EC2

Based on:

Log into EC2 -> Instances -> Launch Instance -> Classic Wizard
64bin Amazon Linux
Instance Type: Micro
Defaults for Instance Details screens.
Create new Key Pair: "riak_7databases" (or similar)
Create new Sec Group: "riak-cluster":
    Open up ports: 4369, 8099, 8098, 8087, 6000-6999
Start the instance.
Create two more instances (exactly the same process) and add to the "riak-cluster" security group
Name the instances riak_ec2_1, riak_ec2_2, riak_ec2_3

ssh into each instance (Right-click the instance and Connect for hints) and do the following.

$ wget

$ sudo rpm -Uvh riak-1.2.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm

Safe to ignore following error:
chcon: can't apply partial context to unlabeled file `/usr/lib64/riak/lib/bitcask-1.5.1/priv/'

# Get your <IP_ADDRESS>
$ ifconfig  
$ sudo -e /etc/riak/vm.args
# Change name to riak_ec2_1@<IP_ADDRESS>   # or riak_ec2_2/3, etc

$ sudo -e /etc/riak/app.config

# Insert following near the top:

{ kernel, [
            {inet_dist_listen_min, 6000},
            {inet_dist_listen_max, 6999}
# Change "http" entry to:
{http, [ {"", 8098 }, {"<IP_ADDRESS>", 8098} ]},

$ sudo riak start
# To test riak installation: 
$ curl http://localhost:8098/stats | python -mjson.tool

$ sudo riak-admin test
Attempting to restart script through sudo -H -u riak
Successfully completed 1 read/write cycle to 'riak_ec2_1@'

# On 2nd and 3rd instances, join the cluster: 
$ sudo riak-admin cluster join riak_ec2_1@<IP_ADDRESS>
Attempting to restart script through sudo -H -u riak
Success: staged join request for 'riak_ec2_1@' to 'riak_ec2_1@' 

# On any instance: 

$ wget
$ wget
# Need Erlang so 'escript' works:
$ sudo yum install erlang

$ . ./load_data goog.csv

$ curl localhost:8098/riak/goog |python -mjson.tool
 - or browse to public address E.g.: