- Create security group ("mcollective") with following ports open
- 22, 6163, 80
- Launch new EC2 instance in eu-west-1a
- Search community images for "mcollective" choose only result (mcollective-120)
- Add user values of
- mcollective=server
- role=server
- Login as root
- start-mcollective-demo.rb
- Copy the following block of text output:
- mcollective=
mcollective_psk=Ungiemej - mc-ping
- Launch 5 more ec2 instances in eu-west-1a by right-clicking existing image and "Launch more like this"
- Number of instances = 5
- Paste the block of text copied above into the "User Data" field
- Do the same again (another 5 servers) in eu-west-1b
- Back to main server console
- mc-ping --timeout 1 # should see all 11 servers
- facter | grep ec2
- mc-facts --timeout 1 ec2_placement_availability_zone
- Report for fact: ec2_placement_availability_zone
eu-west-1a found 6 times
eu-west-1b found 5 times
Finished processing 11 / 11 hosts in 580.78 ms - mc-package --with-fact ec2_placement_availability_zone=eu-west-1a status httpd
- mc-package --with-fact ec2_placement_availability_zone=eu-west-1a install httpd
- mc-service httpd status
- mc-service --with-fact ec2_placement_availability_zone=eu-west-1a httpd start
- (You'd use Puppet to deploy the app, but upgrade packages using mcollective)
- mc-nrpe check_load
- mc-package --with-fact ec2_placement_availability_zone=eu-west-1b install httpd
- mc-service --with-fact ec2_placement_availability_zone=eu-west-1b httpd restart
- mc-service httpd status
- facter
- (Can provide your own data/plugins)
Old instructions:
- facter
- mc-ping
- mc-inventory ip-10-239-131-241
- mc-facts ec2_ami_manifest_path
- mc-inventory ip-10-239-131-241 | grep ec2
- mc-facts ec2_placement_availability_zone
- mc-facts cluster
- mc-facts cluster -v
- mc-find-hosts -W cluster=alfa
- mco service httpd status
- mco service -W cluster=alfa httpd status
- mco package install httpd
- mco service httpd restart
- mc-urltest