Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Digital photo editing workflow


Each is listed roughly in the order that they should be applied:
  1. White Balance - temperature and tint adjustment sliders
  2. Exposure - exposure compensation, highlight/shadow recovery
  3. Noise Reduction - during RAW development or using external software
  4. Lens Corrections - distortion, vignetting, chromatic aberrations
  5. Detail - capture sharpening and local contrast enhancement
  6. Contrast - black point, levels and curves tools
  7. Framing - straighten and crop
  8. Refinements - color adjustments and selective enhancments
  9. Resizing - enlarge for a print or downsize for the web or email
  10. Output Sharpening - customized for your subject matter and print/screen size

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Book Summaries

  1. 1000DollarsanIdea
  2. 100WaysToMotivateOthers
  3. 101SurvivalTips
  4. 12TheElementsOfGreatManaging
  5. 22ImmutableLawsOfBranding
  6. 24EssentialLessonsforInvestmentSuccess
  7. 48LawsOfPower
  8. AllMarketersareLiars
  9. BargainingForAdvantage
  10. Be a People Person
  11. BecomingACategoryofOne
  12. BlinkThePowerOfThinking
  13. BuildAGreatTeam
  14. BuildingaHighMoraleWorkplace
  15. BuiltToLast
  16. Business Class
  17. BusinessClass
  18. CashMachineforLife
  19. ChangetoStrange
  20. ConfessionsOfAnEconomicHitMan
  21. CrucialConversations
  22. DestinationSuccess
  23. DevelopingTheLeadersAroundYou
  24. DevelopYourDecisionMakingSkills
  25. DevelopYourTeamBuildingSkills
  26. EffectiveNetworkingForProfessionals
  27. EmbracingUncertainty
  28. EncouragingtheHeart
  29. EVEolution
  30. ExceptionalServiceExceptionalProfit
  31. Execution
  32. FirstThingsFirst
  33. Fish!
  34. Freakanomics
  35. GettingThingsDone
  36. GoodToGreat
  37. GungHo!
  38. Guts
  39. HerPlaceAtTheTable
  40. HighPerformancePay
  41. HowFullIsYourBucket
  42. HowtoAlmostMakeaMillionDollars
  43. HowToBeAStarAtWork
  44. HowToBecomeARainmaker
  45. HowToChangetheWorld
  46. HowtoGetWhatYouWantInTheWorkplace
  47. HowtoMotivatePeople
  48. HowToSellAndManageInToughTimesAndToughMarkets
  49. HowtoTransformYourCompany
  50. HowToWinFriendsAndInfluencePeople
  51. IdeasAreFree
  52. ImprovingInstitutionalPerformance
  53. InboundMarketing
  54. InsideTheGuruMind-JackWelch
  55. InsideTheGuruMind-WarrenBuffet
  56. InsideTheGuruMind
  57. ItsYourShip
  58. Jack
  59. JoyOfRetirement
  60. KeepingthePeopleWhoKeepYouInBusiness
  61. KickStartYourBusiness
  62. LeadershipGold
  63. LeadershipintheEra
  64. MadeToStick
  65. MadetoStick_mindmap
  66. MadSadBadManagement
  67. MakeALife
  68. MakingChangeStick
  69. MakingSenseOfIntellectualCapital
  70. ManagersGuidetoBusinessPlanning
  71. ManagingAtTheSpeedOfChange
  72. ManagingPeople
  73. MansSearchforMeaning
  74. ManyMilesToGo
  75. MetaphoricallySelling
  76. MetaphoricallySpeaking
  77. Mind Your Own Business
  78. MrShmooze
  79. NetworkingForProfessionalSuccess
  80. NoLogo
  81. Nudge
  82. OrganizingGenius
  83. PermissionToWin
  84. PilgrimagetoWarrenBuffettsOmaha
  85. PitchLikeAGirl
  86. PracticeWhatYouPreach
  87. PresentingToWin
  88. Principle-CenteredLeadership
  89. ProfitableGrowthIsEveryonesBusiness
  90. PurpleCow
  91. RavingFans
  92. RichDadGuideToFinancialFreedom
  93. RichDadGuideToinvesting
  94. RichDadPoorDad
  95. RichKidSmartKid
  96. RidingtheWavesofCulture
  97. SayItLikeObama
  98. ScoringPoints
  99. SecretsOfQuestionBasedSelling
  100. SecretsOfSuccessfulSpeakers
  101. SecretsOfWordOfMouthMarketing
  102. SeedsofInnovation
  103. SellingTheInvisible
  104. SmallGiants
  105. Socialnomics
  106. StartLateFinishRich
  107. StartWithNo
  108. StrengthsFinder20
  109. SummonedToLead
  110. SurfingTheEdgeofChaos
  111. TalentIsNeverEnough
  112. TamingTechnology
  113. The100AbsolutelyUnbreakableLawsOfBusinessSuccess
  114. The17EssentialQualitiesOfATeamPlayer
  115. The21IndispensableQualitiesOfaLeader
  116. The21IrrefutableLawsOfLeadership
  117. The360Leader
  118. The48LawsOfPower
  119. The5EssentialPeopleSkills
  120. The8thHabit
  121. TheAdversityParadox
  122. TheAutomaticMillionaire
  123. TheBlackSwan
  124. TheCarrotPrinciple
  125. TheCorporateBloggingBook
  126. TheCureforMoneyMadness
  127. TheE-MythRevisitedWhyMostSmallBusinessesDon'tWork
  128. TheElementsofPersuasion
  129. TheEmythRevisited
  130. TheEndOfMarketingAsWeKnowIt
  131. TheEtiquetteAdvantageinBusiness
  132. TheFiveTemptationsOfACeo
  133. TheIndisputableLawsOfTeamwork
  134. TheInnovatorsPrescription
  135. TheLazyPersonGuideToInvesting
  136. TheLeadershipPipeline
  137. TheLifeAudit
  138. TheLongTail
  139. TheMythsOfInnovation
  140. TheNatureofLeadership
  141. TheNeglectedFirm
  142. TheNewGoldStandard
  143. TheNewStrategicSelling
  144. TheNextEvolutionofMarketing
  145. TheOneThingYouNeedtoKnow
  146. TheoryU
  147. ThePowerOfSixSigma
  148. ThePowerofthePurse
  149. ThePowerToLead
  150. TheRadicalLeap
  151. TheRichestManInBabylon
  152. TheSelfDestructiveHabits
  153. TheSevenDeadlySkillsOfCommunicating
  154. TheSevenRulesofWallStreet
  155. TheSixThinkingHats
  156. TheSkillsofNegotiating
  157. TheStarbucksExperience
  158. TheToyotaWay
  159. TheTruthAboutBeingALeader
  160. TheTruthAboutGetting
  161. TheWisdomofTeams
  162. ThreeBillionNewCapitalists
  163. TimePower
  164. TopPerformer
  165. TradingUp
  166. TruthAboutLeadership
  167. ViralChange
  168. WhatClientsLove
  169. WhatGotYouHere
  170. WhatManagementIs
  171. WhatsYourStory
  172. WhatTheCEOWantsYouToKnow
  173. WhatWorksOnWallStreet
  174. WhatWouldBuddhaDoAtWork
  175. WhoMovedMyCheese
  176. WhoSaysElephantsCantDance
  177. WinningWithPeople
  178. WorkingWithEmotionalIntelligence
  179. YouNeedToBeaLittleCrazy
  180. YourDevelopmentAsAnAuthenticLeader
  181. YourMarketingSucks
  182. YourMoneyorYourLife
  183. YourRoadMapForSuccess
  184. ZapTheGaps

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Using Puppet in a deployment pipeline

Great article on using Puppet in a deployment pipeline for the NBN project:

Apigee - RESTful API design

Jesse Robbins: Changing Culture & Being a force for Awesome

Great talk worth watching about changing culture by Jesse Robbins.  Jesse is CEO of OpsCode (makers of Chef), he used to be in charge of Website Availability at Amazon and he runs the Velocity conference in the USA: